
Brett Hozdic
Americorps VISTA
Communications Specialist

Brett Hozdic, VISTA Communications Specialist for Community Markets Inc.,
is a skilled graphic designer that has a background in marketing. He is
currently serving an AmeriCorps VISTA term of service through WV’s Promise,
Alliance for Youth. He uses his talents to promote nonprofit organizations
such as Community Markets Inc. Brett wishes for families in the Eastern
Panhandle of West Virginia to have ready access to healthy and locally
sourced food so that they can live their best lives. He also supports local
farmers through his service so they can grow their businesses. Before
joining CMI, Brett received his B.F.A. from Shepherd University in Graphic
Design. After graduating, Brett wanted to use his technical skills to
develop effective marketing materials for businesses or organizations in
order to bring people together. He has been able to put his professional
skills to work through his AmeriCorps VISTA term of service with CMI and
looks forward to continuing to make a positive impact in his community.